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Skills Needed For Blog Writing

As I mentioned about three best blog writing site in the last post, Today I want to talk about skills that we needed for start our Blog Writing.
These Skills will increase willingness to read your writing by readers.

1. Read Books and Newspaper - Book Reading and news reading is best way to improve your writing, it  give us complete collection of Words, to use in writing.

Newspaper have so many news with different Topics with attractive words which bounds reader to read whole news. Its generate willingness in reader to read news. Writer can get idea of bounding.

2. Just do it as a Hobby - Never think that writing is your job, just write as you own hobby. Enjoy it, In starting may be it will be difficult for you, but after few writings you will enjoy this Hobby.

3. Give Examples - In some writings, you can introduce various examples to bound your writing. Number of examples will be minimum and short. Its will help you in highlight your words.

For example we write small quotes like  "If there is a will, there is a way." When you are writing on Positive Topics these kind of quotes will enhance your writing.

4. Direction of Writing - Always be alert while writing about various issues, whether you are writing For or against the Topic. AIM should be clear and sharp.

5. Use Easy Words -  Choose those words which are easy to read and understand.

6. Use Eye Catching Words - Those words which increase excitement of reading whole writing. These words are "Top Secret, Exclusive, Amazing, New, Fact, Now" etc.

: For Example we use "Top Secret" in sentence - "We are going to reveal top Secret earning formula for you in next post."

Reader will get attract toward these words and his willingness will increase number of times to read your next post, because you are going to reveal something extra ordinary content in front of your readers.

I am closing my writing here. Hope you get some new idea for your writing.

About Naveen Minj

Naveen Minj
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